E & S

Our strategy, The SCE Way, answers three questions in terms of company direction: why, where and how. The SCE way defines our purpose, target position, strategic priorities, and values.

The way forward is guided by purpose: it describes the reason why our company exists and sets the direction for how everyone at SCE can make a difference for the world. SCE purpose is “Enabling sustainable societies through technology and services”.

Our target position, “Shaping the Decarbonisation of Energy”, reflects our ambition as a company: where does SCE wants to be in the long term. SCE target position is focused on customers, people, and performance.

The strategic priorities define SCE most important focus areas in order for us to reach the target position. They outline the company direction in terms of reaching profitable growth and clearly formulates the biggest opportunities for a positive impact on SCE’s performance. These values unite everyone at SCE and bring the strategy to life by guiding our behaviour when working together. SCE’s values are Customer success, Passion, and Performance

Decarbonisation creates new business opportunities 
Decarbonisation will transform the world and creates new business opportunities in energy. By 2030, the balancing power market is expected to grow exponentially.